
Keys - Keelakam - How to run the program
Yadbhavam tat bhavati - You Become what you Believe - Internal World
Sanskrit Language - Music and Grammar
Bahyamu - External World - Union Yoke and Balance

Planting a Yoga seed as a pacemaker in the Mind; As a survival package; As a source of Coping Skills needed from stage to stage to overcome Mind fluctuations and dysregulations for true Relaxation, Inspiration, and Creativity based on constant Research and Development of suitable Apps and Tools for therapeutic use for restoring balance and harmony with ever changing External World using the Breath as the primary healer for all types of diseases resulting in attaining the divine Peace and Balance.

There have been many yoga systems popularized in the world, especially in this century, but none of them have actually taught the perfection of yoga because of commercial aspects or expectation aspects or self interests and finally commitment lacking either or both the Teachers and Students.

Starting of Yoga practice commences with the teacher saying: How to sit down; how to keep the body straight; what posture to start with; how to practice transitions before asking the student to keep the eyes half-closed or fully closed and gaze at the tip of the nose without diverting one’s attention; all this being conducted in a secluded place alone – It might appear that the system of yoga being taught to be impractical and unendurable for the Mind is always restless and unsteady. This is important.

We must always remember that we are in material circumstances wherein at every moment our mind is subject to agitation. Actually we are not in very comfortable situations. We always think that by changing our situation we will overcome our mental agitation, and we are always thinking that when we reach a certain point, all mental agitations will disappear. But it is the nature of the Material World or External World that we cannot be free from anxiety. Our dilemma is that we are always trying to make a solution to our problems, but this universe is so designed that these solutions never come.

Not being a cheater, being very frank and open, one should realize that the Mind is restless, turbulent, obstinate and very strong and more difficult than controlling the wind.

The only way is either to compromise and make it as a partner or make it as a slave. There are only two options and at any cost should not be a slave because the Mind is our best friend and most trusted servant but is our worst enemy. When there is no choice of getting divorced to this partner, you have to learn the compromising skills for your own sustenance and hence follow the first four stages of Yoga Sutras – Yamas, Niyamas, Asana, and Pranayama which is a must for any one who wants to learn Yoga and get the fruitful results from it. It is indeed a fact that the Mind is always telling us to go here, do this, do that.

It is indeed a fact that the Mind is always telling us to go here, do this, do that – And the easiest ways as to how to tame the Mind is all about the various tools developed by DRMS yoga as an alternate mental therapy for the needy.
  • Providing aftercare yoga therapy counseling to assist the needy.
  • Providing Yoga therapy counseling for chronic ailments.
  • Providing as a Licence to use the body as a device – Mainly knowledgeable to deal with the usage and during the difficult times reach out for Technical help – Activating the default settings in human Mind for a divine yogic cure to the trusted and needy with Yoga therapy by activating the necessary energy centers.
  • Providing Certificates to Employees by providing adequate training for working in Mental Health Care Clinics and Hospitals to cope up with the daily stress and doing the job effectively.
  • Providing Certificates to Yoga Instructors providing necessary adequate training to work as a professional or starting Yoga Studios in coordination with the original text – Yoga Sutras by Sage Patanjali.
  • Providing Certificates on Meditation by throwing Light on Ashtanga Yoga and teaching the proper technique to go into Meditation just like as getting connections with the cosmic energy.
  • Providing Yoga knowledge as a Philosophy of life for universal harmony and better living.
  • Certification programs on teaching Surya Namaskaras in various levels, the techniques and secrets in learning the amazing Art – A series of 12 postures with beeja mantras to achieve mastery on physical, mental, and spiritual bodies.
  • To teach yoga at the Research level – constant development of Tools and Apps like Help team for unleashing the enormous powers in the human system; And awakening KUNDALINI, the dormant power in all human beings.
  • Providing practical tours to India, Nepal, and other countries for interacting with Yogis and like-minded to get practical knowledge on Yoga as a part of the curriculum.